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Drake White | Making Me Look Good Again Chords and Lyric

Artist : Drake White
Song : Making Me Look Good Again

[Intro] :G C D G

[Verse 1] :

G                               C
Worn and haggard, weathered and torn
                 D                    G     
Drug through the keyhole of that back door
Blood shot red behind these shades
            D                           G
I look like hell, yes, I've seen better days

[Chorus] :
               Em               Bm         
And then those loving arms they pull me back in
                  C          D                   G
And there you go, baby, yeah, making me look good again

[Verse 2] :
G                                        C
I'm rust on a barbed wire, I'm dust on a chrome yeah
            D                               G
Yes I'm the heart that bleeds in an old country song

[Chorus] :
               Em               Bm         
And then those loving arms they pull me back in
                  C          D                   G
And there you go, baby, yeah, making me look good again

[Bridge] :
G       Bm  Em              C
Leather and lace, denim and pearls,
            G                  Bm                     Em
Whiskey and wine, they go just fine, like you and me, girl
When you smile at me and say, there ain't no better place
                  D                           G C D
Than you'd rather be than right here loving me

[Verse 3] :
G                                                 C
Standing in that kitchen, it's been a long day at work
                    D                    G
Then you slip those hands right under my shirt

[Chorus] :
              Em               Bm         
Oh with those loving arms they pull me back in
                  C          D                   G     Bm
And there you go, baby, yeah, making me look good again

[Outro] :
Em            C          D                    G
there you go, baby, yeah, making me look good again

Jealous Chords And Lyrics By Labrinth

Version 1
Intro :
G      C      Em       G      C      Em       C      D      G            C    D    Em

Verse :
     G        C     Em
I'm jealous of the rain
      G       C       Em
That falls upon your skin
      C      D       G
It's closer than my hands have been
     C       D      Em
I'm jealous of the rain
     G       C      Em
I'm jealous of the wind
      G       C           Em
That ripples through your clothes
      C      D         G
It's closer than your shadow
         C       D      Em
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    G             Em    
I wished you the best of
Am                   D 
All this world could give
       G                 Em
And I told you when you left me
         Am            D
There's nothing to forgive
                            C                  Em
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
G              C
Heartbreak and misery
                     Am                      C
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        C     D       Em
You're happy without me

Verse :
     G       C      Em
I'm jealous of the nights
      G       C        Em
That I don't spend with you
     C         D       G
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     C           D      Em
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     G       C      Em
I'm jealous of the love
G         C      Em
Love that was in here
C        D       G
Gone for someone else to share
         C       D      Em
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   G              Em
I wished you the best of
Am                   D
All this world could give
       G                 Em
And I told you when you left me
         Am            D
There's nothing to forgive
                            C                  Em
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
G               C
Heartbreak and misery
                     Am                      C
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        C     D      Em
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
       &nnbsp;                   D7                                          
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        F          D7      G#m    G#7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       Cm               F
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          A#           D7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
Cm                  F                                           
All this world could give                                         
       A#                Gm                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         Cm            F       
There's nothing to forgive
                            D#                 Gm               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
A#             D#
Heartbreak and misery
                     Cm                      D#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        D#     F     Gm      C
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     Cm                      D#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        D#            Gm
You're happy without me




Intro :
D      G      Bm       D      G      Bm       G      A      D            G    A    Bm

Verse :
     D        G     Bm
I'm jealous of the rain
      D       G       Bm
That falls upon your skin
      G      A       D
It's closer than my hands have been
     G       A      Bm
I'm jealous of the rain
     D       G      Bm
I'm jealous of the wind
      D       G           Bm
That ripples through your clothes
      G      A         D
It's closer than your shadow
         G       A      Bm
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    D             Bm    
I wished you the best of
Em                   A 
All this world could give
       D                 Bm
And I told you when you left me
         Em            A
There's nothing to forgive
                            G                  Bm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
D              G
Heartbreak and misery
                     Em                      G
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        G     A       Bm
You're happy without me

Verse :
     D       G      Bm
I'm jealous of the nights
      D       G        Bm
That I don't spend with you
     G         A       D
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     G           A      Bm
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     D       G      Bm
I'm jealous of the love
D         G      Bm
Love that was in here
G        A       D
Gone for someone else to share
         G       A      Bm
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   D              Bm
I wished you the best of
Em                   A
All this world could give
       D                 Bm
And I told you when you left me
         Em            A
There's nothing to forgive
                            G                  Bm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
D               G
Heartbreak and misery
                     Em                      G
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        G     A      Bm
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        C          A7      D#m    D#7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       Gm               C
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          F           A7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
Gm                  C                                           
All this world could give                                         
       F                Dm                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         Gm            C       
There's nothing to forgive
                            A#                 Dm               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
F             A#
Heartbreak and misery
                     Gm                      A#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        A#     C     Dm      G
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     Gm                      A#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        A#            Dm
You're happy without me

JEALOUS lyrics and chords By LABRINTH


Intro :
D#      G#      Cm       D#      G#      Cm       G#      A#      D#            G#    A#    Cm

Verse :
     D#        G#     Cm
I'm jealous of the rain
      D#       G#       Cm
That falls upon your skin
      G#      A#       D#
It's closer than my hands have been
     G#       A#      Cm
I'm jealous of the rain
     D#       G#      Cm
I'm jealous of the wind
      D#       G#           Cm
That ripples through your clothes
      G#      A#         D#
It's closer than your shadow
         G#       A#      Cm
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    D#             Cm    
I wished you the best of
Fm                   A# 
All this world could give
       D#                 Cm
And I told you when you left me
         Fm            A#
There's nothing to forgive
                            G#                  Cm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
D#              G#
Heartbreak and misery
                     Fm                      G#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        G#     A#       Cm
You're happy without me

Verse :
     D#       G#      Cm
I'm jealous of the nights
      D#       G#        Cm
That I don't spend with you
     G#         A#       D#
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     G#           A#      Cm
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     D#       G#      Cm
I'm jealous of the love
D#         G#      Cm
Love that was in here
G#        A#       D#
Gone for someone else to share
         G#       A#      Cm
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   D#              Cm
I wished you the best of
Fm                   A#
All this world could give
       D#                 Cm
And I told you when you left me
         Fm            A#
There's nothing to forgive
                            G#                  Cm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
D#               G#
Heartbreak and misery
                     Fm                      G#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        G#     A#      Cm
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        C#          A#7      Em    E7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       G#m               C#
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          F#           A#7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
G#m                  C#                                           
All this world could give                                         
       F#                D#m                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         G#m            C#       
There's nothing to forgive
                            B                 D#m               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
F#             B
Heartbreak and misery
                     G#m                      B
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        B     C#     D#m      G#
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     G#m                      B
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        B            D#m
You're happy without me



Intro :
E      A      C#m       E      A      C#m       A      B      E            A    B    C#m

Verse :
     E        A     C#m
I'm jealous of the rain
      E       A       C#m
That falls upon your skin
      A      B       E
It's closer than my hands have been
     A       B      C#m
I'm jealous of the rain
     E       A      C#m
I'm jealous of the wind
      E       A           C#m
That ripples through your clothes
      A      B         E
It's closer than your shadow
         A       B      C#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    E             C#m    
I wished you the best of
F#m                   B 
All this world could give
    nbsp;   E                 C#m
And I told you when you left me
         F#m            B
There's nothing to forgive
                            A                  C#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
E              A
Heartbreak and misery
                     F#m                      A
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        A     B       C#m
You're happy without me

Verse :
     E       A      C#m
I'm jealous of the nights
      E       A        C#m
That I don't spend with you
     A         B       E
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     A           B      C#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     E       A      C#m
I'm jealous of the love
E         A      C#m
Love that was in here
A        B       E
Gone for someone else to share
         A       B      C#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   E              C#m
I wished you the best of
F#m                   B
All this world could give
       E                 C#m
And I told you when you left me
         F#m            B
There's nothing to forgive
                            A                  C#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
E               A
Heartbreak and misery
                     F#m                      A
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        A     B      C#m
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        D          B7      Fm    F7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       Am               D
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          G           B7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
Am                  D                                           
All this world could give                                         
       G                Em                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         Am            D       
There's nothing to forgive
                            C                 Em               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
G             C
Heartbreak and misery
                     Am                      C
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        C     D     Em      A
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     Am                      C
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        C            Em
You're happy without me



Intro :
F      A#      Dm       F      A#      Dm       A#      C      F            A#    C    Dm

Verse :
     F        A#     Dm
I'm jealous of the rain
      F       A#       Dm
That falls upon your skin
      A#      C       F
It's closer than my hands have been
     A#       C      Dm
I'm jealous of the rain
     F       A#      Dm
I'm jealous of the wind
      F       A#           Dm
That ripples through your clothes
      A#      C         F
It's closer than your shadow
         A#       C      Dm
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    F             Dm    
I wished you the best of
Gm                   C 
All this world could give
       F                 Dm
And I told you when you left me
         Gm            C
There's nothing to forgive
                            A#                  Dm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
F              A#
Heartbreak and misery
                     Gm                      A#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        A#     C       Dm
You're happy without me

Verse :
     F       A#      Dm
I'm jealous of the nights
      F       A#        Dm
That I don't spend with you
     A#         C       F
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     A#           C      Dm
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     F       A#      Dm
I'm jealous of the love
F         A#      Dm
Love that was in here
A#        C       F
Gone for someone else to share
         A#       C      Dm
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   F              Dm
I wished you the best of
Gm                   C
All this world could give
       F                 Dm
And I told you when you left me
         Gm            C
There's nothing to forgive
                            A#                  Dm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
F               A#
Heartbreak and misery
                     Gm                      A#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        A#     C      Dm
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        D#          C7      F#m    F#7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       A#m               D#
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          G#           C7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
A#m                  D#                                           
All this world could give                                         
       G#                Fm                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         A#m            D#       
There's nothing to forgive
                            C#                 Fm               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
G#             C#
Heartbreak and misery
                     A#m                      C#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        C#     D#     Fm      A#
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     A#m                      C#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        C#            Fm
You're happy without me



Intro :
F#      B      D#m       F#      B      D#m       B      C#      F#            B    C#    D#m

Verse :
     F#        B     D#m
I'm jealous of the rain
      F#       B       D#m
That falls upon your skin
      B      C#       F#
It's closer than my hands have been
     B       C#      D#m
I'm jealous of the rain
     F#       B      D#m
I'm jealous of the wind
      F#       B           D#m
That ripples through your clothes
      B      C#         F#
It's closer than your shadow
         B       C#      D#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    F#             D#m    
I wished you the best of
G#m                   C# 
All this world could give
       F#                 D#m
And I told you when you left me
         G#m            C#
There's nothing to forgive
                            B                  D#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
F#              B
Heartbreak and misery
                     G#m                      B
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        B     C#       D#m
You're happy without me

Verse :
     F#       B      D#m
I'm jealous of the nights
      F#       B        D#m
That I don't spend with you
     B         C#       F#
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     B           C#      D#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     F#       B      D#m
I'm jealous of the love
F#         B      D#m
Love that was in here
B        C#       F#
Gone for someone else to share
         B       C#      D#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   F#              D#m
I wished you the best of
G#m                   C#
All this world could give
       F#                 D#m
And I told you when you left me
         G#m            C#
There's nothing to forgive
                            B                  D#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
F#               B
Heartbreak and misery
                     G#m                      B
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        B     C#      D#m
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        E          C#7      Gm    G7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       Bm               E
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          A           C#7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
Bm                  E                                           
All this world could give                              &enspensp;          
       A                F#m                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         Bm            E       
There's nothing to forgive
                            D                 F#m               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
A             D
Heartbreak and misery
                     Bm                      D
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        D     E     F#m      B
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     Bm                      D
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        D            F#m
You're happy without me



Intro :
C#      F#      A#m       C#      F#      A#m       F#      G#      C#            F#    G#    A#m

Verse :
     C#        F#     A#m
I'm jealous of the rain
      C#       F#       A#m
That falls upon your skin
      F#      G#       C#
It's closer than my hands have been
     F#       G#      A#m
I'm jealous of the rain
     C#       F#      A#m
I'm jealous of the wind
      C#       F#           A#m
That ripples through your clothes
      F#      G#         C#
It's closer than your shadow
         F#       G#      A#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    C#             A#m    
I wished you the best of
D#m                   G# 
All this world could give
       C#                 A#m
And I told you when you left me
         D#m            G#
There's nothing to forgive
                            F#                  A#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
C#              F#
Heartbreak and misery
                     D#m                      F#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        F#     G#       A#m
You're happy without me

Verse :
     C#       F#      A#m
I'm jealous of the nights
      C#       F#        A#m
That I don't spend with you
     F#         G#       C#
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     F#           G#      A#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     C#       F#      A#m
I'm jealous of the love
C#         F#      A#m
Love that was in here
F#        G#       C#
Gone for someone else to share
         F#       G#      A#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   C#              A#m
I wished you the best of
D#m                   G#
All this world could give
       C#                 A#m
And I told you when you left me
         D#m            G#
There's nothing to forgive
                            F#                  A#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
C#               F#
Heartbreak and misery
                     D#m                      F#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        F#     G#      A#m
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        B          G#7      Dm    D7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       F#m               B
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          E           G#7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
F#m                  B                                           
All this world could give                                         
       E                C#m                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         F#m            B       
There's nothing to forgive
                            A                 C#m               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
E             A
Heartbreak and misery
                     F#m                      A
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        A     B     C#m      F#
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     F#m                      A
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        A            C#m
You're happy without me



Intro :
G#      C#      Fm       G#      C#      Fm       C#      D#      G#            C#    D#    Fm

Verse :
     G#        C#     Fm
I'm jealous of the rain
      G#       C#       Fm
That falls upon your skin
      C#      D#       G#
It's closer than my hands have been
     C#       D#      Fm
I'm jealous of the rain
     G#       C#      Fm
I'm jealous of the wind
      G#       C#           Fm
That ripples through your clothes
      C#      D#         G#
It's closer than your shadow
         C#       D#      Fm
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    G#             Fm    
I wished you the best of
A#m                   D# 
All this world could give
       G#                 Fm
And I told you when you left me
         A#m            D#
There's nothing to forgive
                            C#                  Fm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
G#              C#
Heartbreak and misery
                     A#m                      C#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        C#     D#       Fm
You're happy without me

Verse :
     G#       C#      Fm
I'm jealous of the nights
      G#       C#        Fm
That I don't spend with you
     C#         D#       G#
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     C#           D#      Fm
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     G#       C#      Fm
I'm jealous of the love
G#         C#      Fm
Love that was in here
C#        D#       G#
Gone for someone else to share
         C#       D#      Fm
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   G#              Fm
I wished you the best of
A#m                   D#
All this world could give
       G#                 Fm
And I told you when you left me
         A#m            D#
There's nothing to forgive
                            C#                  Fm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
G#               C#
Heartbreak and misery
                     A#m                      C#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        C#     D#      Fm
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        F#          D#7      Am    A7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       C#m               F#
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          B           D#7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
C#m                  F#                                           
All this world could give                                         
       B                G#m                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         C#m            F#       
There's nothing to forgive
                            E                 G#m               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
B             E
Heartbreak and misery
                     C#m                      E
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        E     F#     G#m      C#
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     C#m                      E
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        E            G#m
You're happy without me

JEALOUS chords lyrics By LABRINTH


Intro :
A      D      F#m       A      D      F#m       D      E      A            D    E    F#m

Verse :
     A        D     F#m
I'm jealous of the rain
      A       D       F#m
That falls upon your skin
      D      E       A
It's closer than my hands have been
     D       E      F#m
I'm jealous of the rain
     A       D      F#m
I'm jealous of the wind
      A       D           F#m
That ripples through your clothes
      D      E         A
It's closer than your shadow
         D       E      F#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    A             F#m    
I wished you the best of
Bm                   E 
All this world could give
       A                 F#m
And I told you when you left me
         Bm            E
There's nothing to forgive
                            D                  F#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
A              D
Heartbreak and misery
                     Bm                      D
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        D     E       F#m
You're happy without me

Verse :
     A       D      F#m
I'm jealous of the nights
      A       D        F#m
That I don't spend with you
     D         E       A
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     D           E      F#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     A       D      F#m
I'm jealous of the love
A         D      F#m
Love that was in here
D        E       A
Gone for someone else to share
         D       E      F#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   A              F#m
I wished you the best of
Bm                   E
All this world could give
       A                 F#m
And I told you when you left me
         Bm            E
There's nothing to forgive
                            D                  F#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
A               D
Heartbreak and misery
                     Bm                      D
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        D     E      F#m
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        G          E7      A#m    A#7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       Dm               G
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          C           E7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
Dm                  G                                           
All this world could give                                         
       C                Am                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         Dm            G       
There's nothing to forgive
                            F                 Am               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
C             F
Heartbreak and misery
                     Dm                      F
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        F     G     Am      D
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     Dm                      F
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        F            Am
You're happy without me

Lyrics and chords JEALOUS-LABRINTH

  VERSION 10  

Intro :
A#      D#      Gm       A#      D#      Gm       D#      F      A#            D#    F    Gm

Verse :
     A#        D#     Gm
I'm jealous of the rain
      A#       D#       Gm
That falls upon your skin
      D#      F       A#
It's closer than my hands have been
     D#       F      Gm
I'm jealous of the rain
     A#       D#      Gm
I'm jealous of the wind
      A#       D#           Gm
That ripples through your clothes
      D#      F         A#
It's closer than your shadow
         D#       F      Gm
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    A#             Gm    
I wished you the best of
Cm                   F 
All this world could give
       A#                 Gm
And I told you when you left me
         Cm            F
There's nothing to forgive
                            D#                  Gm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
A#              D#
Heartbreak and misery
                     Cm                      D#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        D#     F       Gm
You're happy without me

Verse :
     A#       D#      Gm
I'm jealous of the nights
      A#       D#        Gm
That I don't spend with you
     D#         F       A#
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     D#           F      Gm
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     A#       D#      Gm
I'm jealous of the love
A#         D#      Gm
Love that was in here
D#        F       A#
Gone for someone else to share
         D#       F      Gm
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   A#              Gm
I wished you the best of
Cm                   F
All this world could give
       A#                 Gm
And I told you when you left me
         Cm            F
There's nothing to forgive
                            D#                  Gm
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
A#               D#
Heartbreak and misery
                     Cm                      D#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        D#     F      Gm
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        G#          F7      Bm    B7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       D#m               G#
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          C#           F7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
D#m                  G#                                           
All this world could give                                         
       C#                A#m                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         D#m            G#       
There's nothing to forgive
                            F#                 A#m               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
C#             F#
Heartbreak and misery
                     D#m                      F#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        F#     G#     A#m      D#
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     D#m                      F#
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        F#            A#m
You're happy without me

Chords and lyrics JEALOUS-LABRINTH

  VERSION 11  

Intro :
B      E      G#m       B      E      G#m       E      F#      B            E    F#    G#m

Verse :
     B        E     G#m
I'm jealous of the rain
      B       E       G#m
That falls upon your skin
      E      F#       B
It's closer than my hands have been
     E       F#      G#m
I'm jealous of the rain
     B       E      G#m
I'm jealous of the wind
      B       E           G#m
That ripples through your clothes
      E      F#         B
It's closer than your shadow
         E       F#      G#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, cause

Chorus :
    B             G#m    
I wished you the best of
C#m                   F# 
All this world could give
       B                 G#m
And I told you when you left me
         C#m            F#
There's nothing to forgive
                            E                  G#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
B              E
Heartbreak and misery
                     C#m                      E
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        E     F#       G#m
You're happy without me

Verse :
     B       E      G#m
I'm jealous of the nights
      B       E        G#m
That I don't spend with you
     E         F#       B
I'm wondering who you lay next to
     E           F#      G#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the nights
     B       E      G#m
I'm jealous of the love
B         E      G#m
Love that was in here
E        F#       B
Gone for someone else to share
         E       F#      G#m
Oh, I'm jealous of the love, cause

Chorus :
   B              G#m
I wished you the best of
C#m                   F#
All this world could give
       B                 G#m
And I told you when you left me
         C#m            F#
There's nothing to forgive
                            E                  G#m
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
B               E
Heartbreak and misery
                     C#m                      E
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        E     F#      G#m
You're happy without me

Bridge :
As I sink in the sand                                                
Watch you slip through my hands                                      
        A          F#7      Cm    C7                                 
Oh, as I die here another day                                        
       Em               A
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile

Chorus :
          D           F#7                                      
I wished you the best of                                         
Em                  A                                           
All this world could give                                         
       D                Bm                                       
And I told you when you left me                                   
         Em            A       
There's nothing to forgive
                            G                 Bm               
But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
D             G
Heartbreak and misery
                     Em                      G
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        G     A     Bm      E
You're happy without me      eeee

Outro :
                     Em                      G
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
        G            Bm
You're happy without me

Perfect Strangers Chords And Lyrics By Jonas Blue - Verse 1

Intro :
C D Em G D C

Verse 1 :
C D Em
    You were looking at me like you wanted to stay
    When I saw you yesterday
C D Em
    I'm not wasting your time, I'm not playing no games
       I see you

Pre-Chorus :
C D Em
    Who knows the secret tomorrow will hold?
    We don't really need to know
C D Em
   Cause you're here with me now, I don't want you to go
    You're here with me now, I don't want you to go

Chorus :
Csus2       Dadd9        Em
Maybe we're perfect strangers
Maybe it's not forever
G       Dadd9               Csus2
Maybe intellect will change us

Maybe we'll stay together
Csus2       Dadd9    Em
Maybe we'll walk away

Maybe we'll realize
G         Dsus4 Csus2
We're only human

Maybe we don't need no reason
Csus2       Dadd9        Em
Maybe we're perfect strangers

Maybe it's not forever
G       Dadd9               Csus2
Maybe intellect will change us

Maybe we'll stay together
Csus2       Dadd9    Em
Maybe we'll walk away

Maybe we'll realize
G         Dsus4 Csus2
We're only human

Maybe we don't need no reason
C   D  Em
Em                             G D C
Come on, come on, come on now
Maybe we don't need no reason
C   D  Em
Em                             G D C
Come on, come on, come on now

Perfect Strangers Chords And Lyrics By Jonas Blue - Verse 2 :

C D Em
    No one but you got me feeling this way
    There's so much we can't explain
C D Em
    Maybe we're helping each other escape
    I'm with you

Pre-Chorus :
C D Em
    Who knows the secret tomorrow will hold?
    We don't really need to know
C D Em
    Cause you're here with me now, I don't want you to go
    You're here with me now, I don't want you to go

Chorus :
Csus2       Dadd9        Em
Maybe we're perfect strangers
Maybe it's not forever
G       Dadd9               Csus2
Maybe intellect will change us

Maybe we'll stay together
Csus2       Dadd9    Em
Maybe we'll walk away

Maybe we'll realize
G         Dsus4 Csus2
We're only human

Maybe we don't need no reason
Csus2       Dadd9        Em
Maybe we're perfect strangers

Maybe it's not forever
G       Dadd9               Csus2
Maybe intellect will change us

Maybe we'll stay together
Csus2       Dadd9    Em
Maybe we'll walk away

Maybe we'll realize
G         Dsus4 Csus2
We're only human

Maybe we don't need no reason
C   D  Em
Em                             G D C
Come on, come on, come on now
Maybe we don't need no reason
C   D  Em
Em                             G D C
Come on, come on, come on now